Emotion Code

What is Emotion Code?

Emotion Code is the simplest method to begin healing any underlying emotional or mental imbalances from the past. Having trapped emotions can cause depression, anxiety, pain and cause people to even feel disconnected from others. Releasing trapped emotions helps to make conditions ideal for your body to heal, allowing all unpleasant symptoms to become more manageable and gradually disappear.

What is the meaning of trapped emotions?

Do you ever feel that you are struggling under the weight of something which you cannot put your finger on? People can often sense they have emotional issues, but still do not understand how they can resolve them. Trapped emotions are negative energies that you still carry from past traumatic events. They can block people from finding true happiness and cause them feel lonely. In addition, trapped emotions can affect what you think, how you feel, the words you speak and even how you will interact with other people in your everyday life.

Trapped emotions can also produce pain, inflammation and eventually manifest as disease. In addition, trapped emotions can exert a dramatic effect on what you think and feel, the choices you make and how you respond to everyday life. Get the help you need to clear them today.

The Healing Process

“I didn't realize there were so many trapped emotions hindering my growth and affecting my health.”

Philip Broden

Philip Broden

“I didn't know what to expect when I signed up, but to my surprise, many issues have surfaced.”

Emunah Ammi

“Their insights about my relationship and health was very accurate and precise. Amazing.”

Michael Kaendera

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Energy Healing is a holistic practice to help balance, heal and remove blockages from the body.

  • The average online healing session will last up to 60 or 90 minutes depending upon the modality being used.

  • You can expect to feel a noticeable difference within a few days, but to get lasting results will require a period of time.

  • After your payment is processed, you will get an email follow-up to schedule your session and fill out our client form.

  • Energy Healing will work the exact same way whether it's performed in-person or online at a distance.

Pricing Options



    - 3 Healing Sessions

    - Online (60 Minutes)

    - 24/7 Email Support



    - 1 Healing Session

    - Online (60 Minutes)

    - 24/7 Email Support